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CityRollup uses a massively parallel proving system that distributes proving tasks to workers who generate proofs to complete the block.

Network Architecture

Network Architecture

City Rollup's network architecture makes use of several different types of distributed nodes:

  • RPC API Servers (Many)
    • The public facing servers users submit transactions to and can query for information such as user information (balance/public key)
  • Blockchain Data API (Many)
    • Internal, IP filtered API servers that RPC API nodes use to query directly from the blockchain data store (co-located on the same server as the orchestrator)
  • Orchestrator (One Per Rollup)
    • A queue processor that processes the transactions and state transitions for each block, as well as planning the jobs for proof workers.
    • At the end of each block, orchestrators also assemble the final transaction data for the block spend and submit to Dogecoin
  • Proof Workers (Many)
    • Nodes which complete ZK proving jobs from the orchestrator
  • Redis Cluster
    • City Rollup uses redis as a mempool, proof store and as a message queue to dispatch jobs to worker nodes.

Massively Parallel Proving

City Rollup utilizes recursive proofs to generate block proofs in parallel:

In the animation above, you can see how proofs are proved in parallel to generate a single block transition proof in O(log(n)) time.